In a heartbreaking development, a young man, William Christian Thomas, 23, has been charged with the murder of his girlfriend, Rosalin Lewis.…
Isis Brantley: This Woman Fought For 20 Years To Change The Rules For Hair Braiding, Now She Wants Your Vote To Be “Fab Over 40”
by Gee NYby Gee NYAfter a 20-year struggle with the government, including an arrest and multiple legal battles, Isis Brantley eventually won her fight to deregulate…
Amber Ruffin said what we were all thinking when she tackled the new restrictive abortion law recently passed in Texas. While we…
A restrictive abortion bill — which bans abortions as early as six weeks into pregnancy — took effect at midnight in Texas.…
Beyoncé may be one of the planet’s hugest stars — but there’s very little about her life that makes it into the…