When embarking on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace, there’s a form of self-care that goes beyond the ordinary, one that…
Lauren 'LC'
Lauren 'LC'
Lauren LC, the Gut Health Bestie™, is Holistic Wellness & Self-Care Expert, Wellness Tribe Builder and Founder of Hervival®, empowering women's optimal well-being on a soul level.
Self-care is becoming quite a buzz word and before we go into how to implement the best self-care practices to boss up…
5 Life Hacks to Trick Your Mind and Body to Live A Healthier Lifestyle
by Lauren 'LC'by Lauren 'LC'Living a healthy lifestyle seems like living a life on a slippery downward slope! But it doesn’t have to be when you…
How To Fight Inflammation With One Drink Many ailments and diseases that occur in the body start in the gut and its…
Why It’s Time to Put Your Health First! Your well-being should be a priority in your life, yet so many of us…