58-Year-Old Woman Wakes Up Speaking Italian After Stroke

by Gee NY

Althia Bryden, a 58-year-old grandmother from Highbury, North London, UK, experienced a life-altering medical phenomenon after suffering a stroke.

Despite never visiting Italy or learning the language, Bryden awoke from surgery with an Italian accent and the ability to speak Italian words—a condition thought to be foreign accent syndrome (FAS).

The ordeal began when her husband, Winston, found her unresponsive at home.

Bryden had suffered a stroke caused by a carotid web, a rare structural abnormality in the neck’s blood vessels that can disrupt blood flow to the brain.

She was hospitalized for nine days and underwent surgery on July 30 to remove the carotid web.

For three months, Bryden was unable to speak, leaving her feeling like “a shell of the person I once was.”

However, after her surgery, she shocked hospital staff by suddenly speaking with a strong Italian accent, often incorporating Italian words into her speech.

“I couldn’t believe it was me talking,” Bryden said. “Doctors and nurses gathered around my bed, and the more I spoke, the more confused we all became.”

Althia lives with her husband and full-time carer, Winston

Foreign accent syndrome, an extremely rare neurological condition, can result from brain trauma such as strokes or head injuries. It alters the rhythm, tone, and pronunciation of a person’s speech, creating the perception of a foreign accent.

Bryden’s experience has baffled medical professionals.

“To my amazement, I’m also able to speak Italian… a language I’ve never learned or spoken before,” she said.

Her brain seems to unconsciously substitute Italian words for English ones during conversations.

While being described as a “medical marvel,” Bryden admits that adapting to her new voice has been challenging.

“I don’t feel like me with this foreign accent. I can even hear it in my head when I’m thinking,” she shared.

Her story highlights the complexities of the human brain and the rare conditions it can produce. Bryden still shares her extraordinary journey with those curious about her unique accent.

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