102-Year-Old Woman Makes History, Achieves Lifelong Dream by Earning College Degree

by Gee NY

Sarah Simpkins, at the remarkable age of 102, has realized her lifelong aspiration by earning a college degree.

Recently graduating from Brightpoint Community College’s Early Childhood Education program in Chester, Virginia, Simpkins made history as one of the oldest graduates.

The significance of her achievement was further amplified as she proudly shared this milestone with her granddaughter, Halimah Shepherd-Crawford. Reflecting on their shared journey, Halimah expressed her overwhelming emotions, stating:

“I can’t even express my emotions right now. It was all an idea, and we’re here now. And I’m just so excited for my grandmother that she accomplished what she wanted.”

Ms. Sarah herself expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity, saying:

“I feel very wild. I feel very grateful to God for letting me do whatever I do. Thank you, God.”

For Simpkins, returning to college was a long-held dream. Although she had initially attended Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina, life took a different turn when she became pregnant at the age of 20, prompting her to leave school.

Despite focusing on raising her family, including 12 children, Simpkins never abandoned her educational aspirations.

“It’s something that I had to do,” Simpkins said. “I’m very, very grateful that God has enabled me to do this.”

Her achievement not only inspires her family but also resonates with individuals of all ages, reminding them that it’s never too late to pursue education and realize their ambitions.

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