JLo And Ben Affleck’s Marriage Rumored to Be on the Rocks Again: He ‘Already Moved Out’

by Gee NY

Recent reports from reliable sources suggest that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck may have secretly split, residing in separate homes, raising questions about the status of their relationship.

The couple, who tied the knot in 2022, fueled speculation about their marriage after Ben notably missed accompanying Jennifer to the Met Gala, despite her co-chairing the event.

While Ben cited filming commitments as the reason for his absence, sources suggest a deeper rift in their relationship, implying an imminent divorce.

According to InTouch Magazine, insiders claim that Ben’s absence from the Met Gala is indicative of their relationship’s demise, with one source stating:

“The writing is on the wall – it’s over.”

Allegedly, Ben has already moved out, signaling the end of their union.

Despite their love for each other, they seem unable to reconcile their differences, leading to the potential sale of their dream home they searched for diligently.

“They waited almost two decades to get back together, but in the end, they just couldn’t make it work,” another insider explained.

Despite their claims of personal growth and learning from past mistakes, fundamental issues from their previous relationship apparently persisted.

If the divorce rumours are true, this would mark Jennifer Lopez’s fourth failed marriage, adding another chapter to her romantic saga.

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