Co-Defendant In Trump Case, Trevian Kutti, Sparks Outcry After Denying Holocaust Death Toll: ‘The Number Is Not 6 Million’

by Gee NY

In a startling development tied to the Georgia election interference case involving Donald Trump, Trevian Kutti, a co-defendant, has sparked controversy by denying the historical death toll of the Holocaust.

Last week, Kutti took to social media platform X to express her views, claiming that the widely accepted figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is inaccurate.

Referring to her visits to Dachau and Auschwitz, former Nazi concentration camps, Kutti asserted:

“They could have NEVER ‘ovened’ that many Jews. There weren’t even that many ovens. The number is not 6M.”

Her comments quickly drew sharp criticism.

Responding to accusations likening her statements to Nazi ideology, Kutti engaged in heated exchanges with commenters, defending her views with claims of personal knowledge and linguistic expertise.

“I studied in Germany, speak FLUENT German AND HAVE READ MEIN KAMPF IN GERMAN. please stay in your place,” Kutti fired back.

The Holocaust Encyclopedia, however, documents that 2.7 million Jews were killed in Nazi gas chambers as part of their genocidal agenda known as the “final solution.”

The term “ovens” historically refers to crematoria used to dispose of bodies after death.

The controversy underscores ongoing debates over Holocaust denial and historical accuracy amid legal proceedings that have drawn international attention.

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