13-Year-Old Girl With Severe Diary Allergy Dies After Drinking Hot Chocolate That Was Supposed To Contain Soy Milk

by Gee NY

A 13-year-old girl with a severe dairy allergy tragically died after an allergic reaction to a Costa Coffee hot chocolate that was supposed to be made with soy milk, an inquest in East London has revealed.

Hannah Jacobs from Barking, East London, in the UK, suffered an immediate and severe allergic reaction after taking a sip of the hot chocolate on February 8, 2022.

The East London Coroner’s Court was informed that the drink, ordered by her mother, Abimbola Duyile, was meant to be prepared with soy milk due to Hannah’s dairy allergy.

According to Ms. Duyile, her daughter’s reaction began shortly after taking the first sip. Hannah, who had a history of severe dairy allergies, abruptly went to the toilet, exclaiming, “that was not soy milk.”

She experienced rapid swelling and chest pains, prompting Ms. Duyile to rush her to a nearby chemist.

Emergency Response
At the chemist, Hannah collapsed, and a pharmacist administered an EpiPen injection to counteract the allergic reaction.

Despite resuscitation efforts by the pharmacist and paramedics, Hannah was pronounced dead at the hospital by 1 p.m. the same day.

Mother’s Statement
In her statement to the inquest, Ms. Duyile described her profound grief, saying:

“My heart is broken. I will always remember her as a happy child. She could have achieved so much in this world.”

She had been meticulous in her order, stressing the need for soy milk to avoid a reaction.

Ms. Duyile expressed frustration over the staff’s response, stating she felt her instructions were not properly understood.

Court Proceedings
The inquest, which is scheduled to last six days, aims to determine the circumstances surrounding Hannah’s death and assess whether there were any failings in the preparation of the drink.

The Costa Coffee branch involved is operated by a franchisee, and the case raises significant questions about allergen management and communication.

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