BRWNStock Tackles Diversity In Stock Imaging | @BRWNStock

by Yah Yah

Finding stock images which represent Black and Brown families and lives, in general, can be a challenge. Check out this video from BRWN Stock Imaging Founder Porsha Antalan and Brand Strategist Mahogany Brown, who have made it their mission to fully represent people of color the right way!

Our website was born out of the underrepresentation of black and brown people on other popular stock websites. We felt it was necessary to provide images for content creators that captures the vibrant beauty of our people. We hope our website helps in changing the focus through OUR lens by also providing quality images for people like us. – BRWN

These black women didn’t see themselves in stock images. So they decided to change that.

— AJ+ (@ajplus) July 1, 2017

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