Georgia State Rep. Angela Moore Fights Back After Mounting Accusations Of Misrepresentation

by Gee NY

In a recent turn of events, Georgia State Representative Angela Moore finds herself under scrutiny as allegations of misrepresentation surface.

The accusation of misrepresentation was sparked by a controversy regarding her affiliation with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She has been accused of lying about being a member of the sorority.

Moore, who has vehemently denied the accusations, also faces further scrutiny for claims regarding her veteran status and professional background.

But she is fighting back!

In an exclusive interview with WSB-TV, Moore defended herself, asserting that while she may not fit the traditional definition of a veteran, she identifies as a “family veteran” due to the military service of male relatives.

“I am a family veteran. All of my family are veterans. Well, the males are all veterans,” Moore stated, attempting to clarify her stance on the matter.

Regarding her alleged profession as an OBGYN, Moore clarified that while she is not a licensed doctor in the field, she has worked within the realm of OBGYN medicine.

“I worked in an OBGYN,” Moore clarified when questioned about her credentials. However, upon further inquiry, she admitted, “No, I’m not an OBGYN. I worked in the field of OBGYN medicine.”

Despite the mounting controversy surrounding her personal and professional background, Moore remains steadfast in her commitment to serving her constituents in District 91 of DeKalb County, GA.

She also explained that she pledged to the Delta sorority under her former married name but after she got divorced, she changed her name to distance herself from her ex-husband. She said that is why her current name does not match the current Delta membership records.

“Whether I’m a Greek, or whether I’m a physician, or whether I’m a veteran has [nothing] to do with me coming here to the Georgia State Capitol and conducting the people’s business,” Moore asserted, addressing concerns about her ability to fulfill her duties as a state representative amidst the ongoing scrutiny.

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