Lizzo: ‘I Know I’m Beautiful, I Just Don’t Feel It’

by Shine My Crown Staff

Pop singer Lizzo has opened up about her battle to overcome negative thoughts about herself.

Lizzo has long been a champion for body positivity, but sometimes, she says it’s hard to overcome feelings of self-doubt.

The singer shared a TikTok video, offering fans a rare glimpse into a moment of insecurity and self-consciousness. “I came home and I took my clothes off to take a shower, and I just started having all of these really negative thoughts about myself,” she said.

Lizzo says she can at times be overwhelmed by negative feedback on social media.

“Like, you know, ‘What’s wrong with me? Maybe everything … all the mean things people say about me are true.’ And, you know, ‘Why am I so disgusting?’ And hating my body,” Lizzo continued. “Normally, I would have some positive thing to say to get me out of this, but I don’t — and that’s OK, too.”

While she admits to not always being filled with confidence, she acknowledged that we all have moments of self-doubt — it’s all a part of being human.

“I think these [thoughts] are normal. They happen to everybody. They happen to the best of us. We are the best of us,” she stated. “I just have to know that tomorrow, how I feel in [my head] is gonna change, and I can only hope that it changes for the better,” Lizzo encouraged. “But I know I’m beautiful, I just don’t feel it, but I know I’m going to get through it.”

We think Lizzo is beautiful!

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