A first-grade teacher went viral on Oct 13, after videos of how she put together an elaborate simulated trip to Mexico for students hit the internet.
In the footage on TikTok, Sonja White was seen creating faux passports, boarding passes and an entire air travel simulation for her classroom to bring awareness of Hispanic Heritage Month and improve their money-handling skills.
“Where are we headed to?” the video starts and a child responds, “We’re heading to the passport office.”
“Come along with first grade to Mexico,” White said in the video. “Here we’re taking passport pictures.”
White then takes the pictures of the children in the passport office before preparing their boarding passes.
The video gets even better as children pack their bags and carry-ons for their “Southwest flight” to Mexico.
White now turns her classroom into an airplane.
Before the children board, White transforms into a gate agent. She hands the students their passports and boarding passes. As each child gets on the plane, she crosschecks their pictures and documents.
Another teacher steps in as another flight attendant. She gives what appears to be the safety discussion before closing the classroom doors – now plane doors.
Next comes the snacks. White steps back in as a stewardess, giving children a choice between Capri Suns, apple juice, and chips.
Viewers across social media continue to commend White for her commitment to creating an experience that her students will never forget.
“This is why teachers deserve to be paid 6 figures. I know for a fact most of this was out of pocket cost and an experience they will never forget. She’s teaching them real life experiences in a fun way. Educators we appreciate you ” someone commented.
Another commented on X:
“This is pretty cool! This teacher created a mock vacation to Mexico for her students. She even made them passports!