Willow Smith Allows Boyfriend to Shave Her Head for Exhibit, ‘The Anxiety’ Exhibit

by Yah Yah

Willow Smith left some folks stunned after she allowed her boyfriend, Tyler Cole, to shave her head as the pair wrapped up their 24-hour exhibit in Los Angeles.

The exhibit, which is titled, “The Anxiety,” showcased Smith and Cole in a box exploring the eight stages of anxiety (paranoia, rage, sadness, numbness, euphoria, strong interest, compassion, and acceptance) for a full day, per the LA Times.

The pair also dropped an album on Friday of the same name.

“This is not so that people are like, ‘Oooh!’ This is for awareness,” Smith told the publication ahead of the performance. “The first thing we’re going to be writing on our title wall is something along the lines of: ‘The acceptance of one’s fears is the first step toward understanding.’ So then you know this is on something real. This is for a real cause.”


Both lay in a box for 24 hours, although they did take several breaks, of no more than two minutes, to keep hydrated, nourished, and to use the bathroom.

Following the event, an insider spoke to Hollywood Life, where they explained the reason the young starlet shaved her head.

“Willow shaved her head for symbolic reason, she wants to leave the past behind,” the source told them. “She’s had her struggles with anxiety but she’s feeling very empowered and ready to reclaim her life. Shaving off all her hair was a way to release everything and start fresh.”

“She’s so happy she did it, she has no regrets,” the source continued. “She loves her new buzzcut. And so does her boyfriend Tyler, it suits her.”

Stream The Anxiety below.

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