Ashley Allison Shuts Down Fellow CNN Commentator In Heated Debate On Affirmative Action: ‘Facts Are Facts’

by Gee NY

In a recent fiery CNN exchange, commentator Ashley Allison made it clear she refuses to be intimidated by interruptions, no matter who they come from.

During a live debate on affirmative action and equity, Allison addressed former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey after repeated interruptions.

“If you would let me finish, just because you talk so much doesn’t make you right, okay? A conversation is that you listen. You actually hear what somebody says, and then we have a discourse,” Allison said, directing her comments toward McCaughey. “Just talking over someone doesn’t make your point any stronger,” she continued.

The confrontation took place on CNN’s “NewsNight With Abby Phillips,” where the discussion on various topics, including the presidential election and social justice issues like diversity, equity, and inclusion, quickly escalated.

Allison’s firm stance was a highlight of the segment, showcasing her commitment to maintaining a respectful dialogue.

The debate became particularly tense as Allison and McCaughey clashed over the definition of “equity.”

Allison argued that equity means leveling the playing field for everyone and pointed out that white women have been the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action.

“We know that there are people who are some disadvantaged, some white poor folks who are more disadvantaged than some people who are black middle class. We know that. But what equity is, is that,” Allison stated. “I will just say that white women are the ones who have benefited the most from affirmative action. So, maybe you’re sitting at this chair because somebody thought you deserve to have an equal playing field.”

Allison’s remarks and her ability to stand her ground during the heated exchange have resonated with many viewers, highlighting the importance of respectful and informed discourse in discussions on critical social issues.

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