Gabrielle Union Opens Up About Her Struggle With Infertility

by Yah Yah

Revealing details about your personal life can be difficult. And especially when you’re in in the public eye. Some feel ashamed by the obstacles they face in their daily lives, so sharing it with the world is a big deal. One star in particular who has recently opened up about their personal struggles is Gabrielle Union. The actress recently opened up about race, family, sexual assault, and the infertility issues she’s dealt with her husband, basketball player Dwayne Wadein her new bookWe’re Going To Need More Wine.

In a recent excerpt from her book, the Being Mary Janestar revealed: “I have had eight or nine miscarriages.In order to tell you the exact number, I would have to get my medical records. (I am also not sure what the number is where you start to think I must be nuts for trying.)”

She then continues, “For three years, my body has been a prisoner of trying to get pregnant — I’ve either been about to go into an IVF cycle, in the middle of an IVF cycle or coming out of an IVF cycle.” She also said that after three years of IVF treatments, her and hubby Dwyane Wade “remain bursting with love and ready to do anything to meet the child we’ve both dreamed of.”

Union told People that she never wanted kids in the past. It wasn’t until she got married and had the experience of being a stepmom, that she made the decision to become a mother. She then explained “For so many women, and not just women in the spotlight, people feel very entitled to know, ‘Do you want kids?A lot of people, especially people that have fertility issues, just say ‘no’ because that’s a lot easier than being honest about whatever is actually going on. People mean so well, but they have no idea the harm or frustration it can cause.”

Gabrielle Union’s forthcoming book, We’re Going To Need More Wine will be in stores October 17th.

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