Stacey Abrams wants Black Americans to ‘Be Seen and Heard’ Through the Census

by Yah Yah

Stacey Abrams wants all Black Americans to take part in the census, advising that by completing the survey, much-needed changes in the law can happen.

“If we are seen and we are heard through the census, we will have the ability to change the laws we need to protect our communities and to seek opportunity,” Abrams said in an interview with the Atlanta Voice. “Number one is that if you fill out the census, they’ll know how to find you via a cell phone or a pallor bill. They already know how to find it. Do you get your resources?”

Abrams continued, “And if you get your census form, if you fill it out, you are not revealing yourself to anyone. They already know where you are. This way you get the power that comes with being here in this country. Second is that somehow they can misuse your information. They can’t. It’s 1790 no one has ever violated this law that holds the information confidential.”

According to, African Americans have been historically undercounted in the decennial census, disadvantaging their families, communities, and neighborhoods. Taking part in the poll could mean more funding in the areas that it is most needed.

Abrams also weighed in on President Donald Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak and Georgian Gov. Brian Kemp’s response.

“Leadership has been slow to respond, even now the response has been unfortunately inadequate. But there have been some bright spots, namely in the bureaucratic leadership,” explained Abrams. “Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who have gone beyond the political to really offer smart and necessary recommendations to members of the public at the state level. I understand the actions taken by the governor.”

Click here to read the full interview.

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