TikToker Goes Crazy On “Colorist” Who Told Her She Is “Pretty For A Dark Skin Girl”, Says “That Sh*t Is Not A Compliment”

by Gee NY

In a recent video, a TikToker took to social media to share a disconcerting encounter during her hotel check-in.

The social media influencer, @majth2 on TikTok, expressed her frustration after a hotel staff member made a comment that she found offensive.

The TikToker recounted the incident in a video, stating:

“Here I am checking in at a hotel, and the lady checking me in goes like ‘you’re really pretty for a dark-skinned girl’.”

She said in the viral video that despite usually responding with a simple ‘thank you’ in such situations, this time she decided to address the inappropriate comment.

She elaborated:

“She goes like ‘you’re really pretty for a dark-skinned girl,’ I thought about it and I’m like, nah! That’s not a compliment… It’s not a compliment at all.”

She explained further that the hotel staff member attempted to rephrase the comment to: “I’m just saying to be dark like you, you’re really pretty.”

However, the TikToker firmly rejected the statement, emphasizing that expressing the same sentiment differently doesn’t make it any less offensive.

“You are basically implying that being pretty isn’t associated with being dark-skinned. Like it’s two separate things. And I was like, that’s not a compliment. ‘At this point, just check me in’,” she recounted.

Taking a stand against what she identified as a colorist statement, the TikToker asserted:

“I told her it’s a colorist statement. It’s not a compliment. I’m not taking this shi*t anymore. It’s 2024, wake the f…k up! And what really got on my nerves the most was the fact that she was actually a Black woman.”

Expressing her frustration, she addressed the irony of a Black woman perpetuating colorist remarks, emphasizing:

“Do you know how stupid you sound? I mean, you think you are making a compliment, but it’s actually not a f..king compliment.”

On social media, her point of view resonated with a lot of folks.

“Being told you’re pretty for anything is not a compliment honestly,” someone chipped in.

Another said:

“It’s not a compliment you basically saying you expected me to be ugly because I’m dark skin so when you see that I’m not ugly it’s like oooh you’re a pretty dark skin girl. Why can’t I just be pretty, without skin tone being mentioned.”

However, one commentator felt the rant was needless:

“I get it’s a backhanded compliment but I also get very annoyed at the fact you guys always find something to be unhappy about. Life is tough enough.”

Known as Adja Thiam (@majtravels1) on Instagram, the lady’s video resonated with many viewers, sparking discussions about the need to be mindful of language and assumptions based on skin color.

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