Tiny Harris Accuser Hires Celebrity Lawyer Lisa Bloom

by Shine My Crown Staff

A woman who accused Xscap3 singer Tiny Harris and rapper husband T.I. of sexual abuse has hired celebrity attorney, Lisa Bloom, to represent her.

Bloom took to social media to confirm that she now represents one of the plaintiffs in the upcoming legal action.

“Good Lord. So many accusers,” so she tweeted on February 3, before adding, “And now I represent one of them.” The following day she tweeted, “More to come.”

The controversy kicked off when Sabrina Peterson, a former friend of the couple, called out T.I. for allegedly pulling a gun on her. Following her public claims, Peterson alleged that several women stepped forward to share their alleged sexual abuse stories. Peterson shared several screenshots of D.M.s sent to her from the alleged victims.

The Harris’ released a joint statement last week denying the allegations:

“Mr. and Mrs. Harris want to be on record and more importantly want the public to know they emphatically deny in the strongest way possible the egregiously appalling allegations being made against them by Sabrina Peterson,” the statement reads. “The Harris’ have had difficulty with this woman for well over a decade. They are taking this matter very seriously, and if these allegations don’t end, they will take appropriate legal action.”

In a video uploaded to his Instagram account, T.I. posted a lengthy rebuttal, slamming the claims and defending his wife:

“What we not going to do is open up the door to my bedroom. Whatever we ever have done, has been done with consensual adults who into what we into and like what we like. If we want something, we know exactly where to go get it. We’ve never forced anybody, we’ve never drugged anybody against their will, we’ve never held anybody against their will. We’ve never made anybody do anything. We never sexually trafficked anything.”

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