First Black Female Captain In St. Paul Minnesota Fire Department Shares Her Lesson On Achieving Goals

by Gee NY
Brittney Baker

Brittney Baker’s journey to becoming the first African American woman to attain the rank of captain in the St. Paul Fire Department is not just a personal achievement—it’s a historic milestone that resonates deeply within the department and the community it serves.

Born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota, Baker’s path to this groundbreaking achievement was not predetermined.

Initially aspiring to become a pediatric oncologist inspired by her sister’s battle with cancer, Baker’s trajectory shifted after she attended the EMS academy.

Since 2012, she has been an integral part of the academy, now also serving as a teacher.

Reflecting on her historic achievement, Baker emphasized that her goal was never about breaking records but realizing her aspirations.

In an interview with KARE11, she expressed:

“It wasn’t necessarily to be the first that was so big for me; it was like, ‘OK, I accomplished the goal that I had.’”

As the spotlight shines on her groundbreaking accomplishment, Baker recognizes the significance of her role as a trailblazer and a beacon of hope for aspiring firefighters and paramedics, especially among underrepresented communities.

She acknowledges the impact she can have as a role model, inspiring others to pursue their dreams despite any perceived barriers.

“People tell me, like, I wanted to do this, I wanted to be a firefighter, I wanted to be a paramedic, and I didn’t know I could do it,” Baker shared. “I didn’t think I could do it until I saw you walk across the stage at your fire graduation or when I saw you exiting the ambulance and coming to help my family.”

Understanding the weight of her position, Baker embraces her responsibility to uplift and empower others.

“Just remembering that I’m not doing it for me; I’m doing it for everybody else that doesn’t think they can do it,” she said.

As she continues to blaze trails and inspire future generations, her legacy will endure as a symbol of courage, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence.

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