Michelle Obama: ‘Don’t Listen to People Who Will Say That Somehow Voting is Rigged’

by Shine My Crown Staff

Former FLOTUS Michelle Obama does not want voters to be discouraged by rumors that the looming 2020 elections have been rigged.

“Voting is easy. It is something that we can do. Don’t listen to people who will say that somehow voting is rigged and your vote will get lost and it won’t be counted. That is not true,” Obama said during an Instagram Live event with Emmy award-winning actress Zendaya on earlier this week.

The virtual event was part of Obama’s voter registration and engagement organization When We All Vote.

She continued, “I don’t want people to be discouraged by those conspiracy theories that are being peddled out there about the validity of our election process because it’s just not true,” Obama said.

For many, everything is on the line in the upcoming elections. Trump has ramped up his campaign, this time choosing Antifa and Black Lives Matter as the cornerstones of his ire. Much like his 2016 campaign, which targeted undocumented immigrants (and many documented), Trump is whipping up a frenzy of panic and paranoia amongst his core base.

Trump made claims earlier this year that he’d only lose if the election were rigged.

“We have to win the election. We can’t play games. Go out and vote. Do those beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged,” Trump told supporters.

This week, when asked if there would be a peaceful transition, if he lost the election, he refused to commit.

“We’re going to have to see what happens,” Trump said at a news conference. “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

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