Public School Teacher Resigns to Open Micro-School Tailored to Elementary Students’ Unique Needs

by Gee NY
Image Credit: @ambre_houston

After nearly a decade in public education, Briana Ambre Houston, an experienced educator and child advocate, made a bold move to revolutionize how elementary students learn.

In August 2022, Houston left her teaching position to launch the Differentiated Education and Learning Academy (DELA), a micro-school that provides personalized learning experiences for children in grades K-5.

Houston’s decision to start her own school stemmed from her desire to offer more tailored support to students, particularly those with Autism, ADHD, and gifted children.

With a bachelor’s degree in family and child advocacy and a master’s in education, Houston, a parent of a child with Autism, recognized the challenges that neurodiverse and gifted students often face in traditional school settings.

She sought to create a learning environment where each student’s educational needs are met through innovative teaching strategies and individualized instruction.

DELA, an enrichment academy, emphasizes four core areas: math, ELA, science, and social studies.

Under Houston’s leadership, the academy offers a team of professionals who support students through customized lessons that align with their learning styles.

The goal is to foster not only academic growth but also positive social impact and educational welfare for young learners.

By prioritizing individualized education, Houston hopes to equip students, educators, and parents with the tools needed to succeed, creating a more inclusive and engaging educational experience for all.

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