The Story Of Milk + Honey w/@IssaRaePresents #BlackGirlMagic

by Yah Yah

In this short video, the makers of Milk + Honey explain the reasons behind creating the series.

Here is an Open Letter from the creators:

Dear Dreamer,

We hear you. We know you. And we know there is a burning mustard seed of faith within you. Here’s the good news – you have everything you need to go after your dream. Take this letter as your “sign.” This is your prompt… to jump.
Milk + Honey is a faith project – a dream project. It is an idea that God whispered in our ear. We like you, wanted to see images that reflected us – our beauty, our struggles, our passions, our love, our flaws, our fears, our history and future…. And can there be some cute outfits, dope music and beautiful beat faces too? IJS. We know the journey to your dreams takes courage. And for black woman, the truth is – we are up against so much. Our faith is inherently strong, but our responsibilities are great. We have to hold down our families, and let’s be honest – going after your dreams requires money. Actually, it requires generational wealth. Something most of us do not have. So, the journey to our dreams is filled with hurdles. Our confidence waivers and it is easy to give up. But Milk + Honey is the story of perseverance – the story of when faith meets opportunity. The story of you.

This journey has been filled with triumphs and silence. The wins, the articles and buzz create much noise, but it is in the silence that we have grown. It is in the stillness we have become grateful. It is in this moment we have reflected on the reason we created milk + honey.

Fingers crossed, the second season of Milk + Honey will be along shortly. Here’s to hoping!

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