ACCE Action: This Community Service Organization Champions Grassroots Advocacy For Empowerment Of Everyday Californians

by Gee NY
Image Credit: ACCE Action (@CalOrganize) on Facebook.

The Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) Action has emerged as one of the few community service organizations making a real difference in underserved communities in the State of California.

The nonprofit has for many years remained a formidable grassroots organization with a membership exceeding 15,000 individuals across the state.

Dedicated to amplifying the voices of Blacks and other racial groups, ACCE Action operates on a ground-up organizing approach, fostering transformative community change.

At the core of ACCE Action’s mission is a commitment to building a robust people’s movement that initiates change from the bottom up.

Local neighborhood chapters and issue committees, led by ACCE Action member leaders, regularly convene to strategize and plan campaigns addressing a range of issues impacting Californians.

ACCE Action has a statewide reach, with a strong presence in Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento and San Diego.

An ACCE Action Protestor holds a placard that reads “Housing is a human right”. Image Credit: ACCE Action (@CalOrganize) on Facebook.

The organization firmly believes in the power of collective action, often taking to the streets with rallies, town halls, and various other actions to ensure that the voices of its members are heard.

The multi-racial and democratic organization says it is driven by the values of economic, racial, and social justice. Recently, ACCE Action’s advocacy was acknowledged by a Blaviy, which featured it among “10 Black-Led Community Service Organizations Making A Real Difference”.

The organization’s dedication to inclusivity and democratic principles is reflected in its structure and approach to advocacy.

“It is not enough to be progressive. We must also be aggressive. We must be brave, we must be strong. We must not only be a shield, we must also be the sword,” ACCE Action Training Director Mayron Payes told members during a recent training.

With a left-of-centre orientation, ACCE Action focuses on advocating for liberal housing policies, including rent control.

ACCE Action often takes to the streets with rallies, town halls, and various other actions. Image Credit: ACCE Action (@CalOrganize) on Facebook.

The organization actively engages in campaigns and initiatives to address pressing issues related to housing, aiming to create policies that contribute to the betterment of communities and the pursuit of a brighter future for all Californians.

Jefferson McGee Sacramento Representative is the Board Chair of the organisation with Simone Newman, the Los Angeles Representative, a Board Co-Chair.

As ACCE Action continues to grow its network and influence, its commitment to grassroots organizing, collective action, and advocating for progressive policies will eventually facilitate community empowerment and social justice in California.

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