2 Ghanaian Women Make Striking Attempts At Guinness World Records In Singing And Cooking Marathons

by Gee NY

In a display of extraordinary talent and endurance, two Ghanaian women, Chef Failatu Abdul-Razak and Afua Asantewaa Owusu Aduonum, have embarked on separate marathons to break major Guinness World Records (GWR), one in cooking and the other in singing.

Chef Failatu’s Cook-a-thon:

Ghanaian chef Failatu Abdul-Razak recently concluded an impressive cooking marathon, clocking in over 227 hours of non-stop cooking.

Wrapped in the Ghana flag, Abdul-Razak emotionally saluted the crowd in Tamale as she completed what she called a “national assignment” for Ghana on January 10, 2024. Her team plans to submit evidence to the GWR for official confirmation.

Guinness World Records responded to Abdul-Razak’s feat with anticipation, stating on X, formerly known as Twitter:

“We look forward to reviewing her evidence!”

The current record holder, Irishman Alan Fisher, cooked for 119 hours and 57 minutes. Abdul Razak expressed her desire to make the record difficult to surpass.

Notable Ghanaian figures, including former First Lady Lordina Mahama, politicians, celebrities, and the Ghanaian military, showed support throughout the cook-a-thon.

Chef Failatu Abdul-Razak wraps the Ghana flag around her as she cooks. Image credit: BBC

Afua Asantewaa’s Sing-a-thon:

Afua Asantewaa Owusu Aduonum, a Ghanaian media personality, also recently concluded an impressive Guinness World Record attempt for the singing marathon, lasting an astonishing 126 hours and 52 minutes — singing non-stop.

Commencing at midnight on December 24, 2023, and concluding on the morning of December 29, 2023, Asantewaa’s effort is expected to surpass the existing record set by India’s Sunil Waghmare in 2012, pending verification from Guinness World Record judges.

Afua Asantewaa also wrapped the Ghana flag around her during her singing marathon.

Addressing her supporters after the marathon, Asantewaa expressed her hope that the achievement would inspire women and youth across Ghana.

She thanked supporters, including musicians, politicians, and security officials, for their backing during the event held at Akwaaba Village in Accra.

“We hope and believe that this will be an inspiration to all women and all youth or individuals to come out of your comfort zone and try new opportunities. There is a lot out there to do when you put your mind to it you will achieve it,” Asantewaa stated.

As a celebration of her achievement, Asantewaa hosted an all-white Thanksgiving event at 6 pm at the same venue on Friday, December 29, 2023.

These two remarkable endeavors showcase the resilience and talent of Ghanaian women on the global stage.

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