Mental Health Coach Danielle Colleman Offers Insights On How To Teach Kids To Regulate Their Emotions

by Gee NY

Danielle Colleman (@danie__colleman) highlighted the essential role of teaching children practical techniques for emotional regulation.

In a recent episode of the In My Opinion podcast, Colleman stated that kids often feel overwhelmed and need guidance on how to cope with their emotions effectively.

Colleman shared practical strategies such as encouraging children to push against a wall, which can help them regulate their nervous system.

She also advocates for breathing exercises, like the “smell the roses, blow the candle” technique, to promote calmness.

“It’s crucial not to leave them alone when they’re distressed,” she advised.

Leaving children alone during these moments can reinforce feelings of isolation and unworthiness, making it harder for them to express their emotions.

Image credit: @danie__colleman)

Parents are encouraged to model healthy emotional responses, providing clear guidance during challenging moments.

“Teach them what to do whenever they feel certain emotions,” Colleman stated, stressing that equipping children with self-regulation skills reduces their reliance on parents for emotional support.

This approach helps children articulate their feelings rather than acting out due to frustration or confusion.

Colleman noted that when children express anger or frustration, it’s often not just rebellion but a sign of distress. She challenged parents to consider how their reactions can shape their children’s understanding of emotions.

“What have you taught them to do right the next time?” she posed, urging parents to foster an environment where children feel safe to explore and express their feelings.

By teaching children to recognize and manage their emotions, parents can cultivate a healthier emotional landscape, equipping the next generation with the skills needed to navigate life’s ups and downs.

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