Cierra Desmaratti’s Journey: From Burnout at Deloitte to Finding Balance at Transamerica

by Gee NY

After graduating from North Central College, Cierra Desmaratti landed what seemed like a dream job as an actuarial analyst at Deloitte.

For a young woman raised in a low-income family in Naperville, Illinois, the position represented more than just a paycheck — it was a symbol of stability and success.

However, her time at Deloitte turned out to be anything but what she had imagined.

“I was ecstatic when I got the job,” Desmaratti told Business Insider. “It felt like a huge accomplishment, but I quickly realized I didn’t fit in with Deloitte’s hustle culture.”

Desmaratti struggled to acclimate to the competitive environment. Surrounded by colleagues who came from prestigious universities and boasted Big 4 internships, she often felt out of place.

“I was wearing clothes from T.J. Maxx that felt like a splurge to me, but I felt inadequate next to my peers,” she recalled.

As a graduate of a liberal arts college and a participant in the International Association of Black Actuaries program, Desmaratti’s entry into the corporate world was unconventional compared to her colleagues, and it made her feel like an outsider.

The lack of support at Deloitte further exacerbated her feelings of isolation.

“I was expected to figure out most of my work independently, and my manager was too busy to guide me,” she explained.

With burnout normalized in the company’s culture, Desmaratti found herself working long hours, sacrificing her health and happiness for a job that didn’t fulfill her.

Cierra Desmaratti

Her struggles culminated in an unexpected layoff in September 2022.

“I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I got the news. My mind immediately went to the financial implications, but it also forced me to reflect on what I wanted from my career.”

That reflection period led her to a new job at Transamerica, where she’s found a healthier work-life balance and a more supportive environment.

“The work is similar, but the culture is the complete opposite,” Desmaratti said. “My team is collaborative, and I feel safe being my authentic self.”

Today, Desmaratti lives in Miami, embracing a vibrant, fulfilling lifestyle that reflects her true personality. “Getting laid off was the best thing that could have happened to me. It forced me to choose a career path that honors who I am.”

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