Mind-blowing! 8-Year-Old Girl Drives Herself 11 Miles to Target Store in Mom’s Car

by Gee NY

In a shocking but ultimately heartwarming incident, 8-year-old Zoe Wilson from Bedford, Ohio, took her mother’s car and drove herself 25 minutes to a Target store, leaving her family and local police scrambling to find her.

The young girl managed to safely drive her mother Tangie’s 2020 Nissan Rogue to the store without any major accidents, although she later admitted to hitting a mailbox on her way.

The incident, which occurred on the morning of September 15, began when Zoe’s family realized she was missing just before 9 a.m. Bedford Police were immediately called, and a neighbor’s Ring camera footage revealed the girl leaving home in the car around 7 a.m.

By the time her family called 911, she had been missing for nearly two hours.

Bedford Police officers, in coordination with neighboring towns, quickly began a search. Fortunately, officers in Bainbridge spotted the Nissan Rogue parked outside a Target store about 11 miles from Zoe’s home.

Remarkably, the young girl managed to navigate the roads for approximately 25 minutes before arriving safely at the store.

Dashcam footage from another driver showed Zoe weaving in and out of lanes, raising concerns. However, once inside the Target, she remained unharmed and was found by the authorities. Her family soon arrived to pick her up and retrieve the car. The police even allowed her to finish her Frappuccino before heading home.

Police and Public React

The Bedford Police Department took a lighthearted approach in addressing the situation on Facebook, humorously commenting:

“Not sure what she bought or if she was even able to use her Target app to save 5%,” while adding, “We did let her finish her Frappuccino. We’re not mean.”

The post garnered a mix of astonishment and amusement from the public.

One commenter wrote:

“This is the best out of all the kids driving stories. Long distance and she got everything correctly;”

While another said:

“Not gonna lie. That sounds like something my 8-year-old self would have done.”

Despite the risks involved, the situation ended safely, with Zoe back home without any harm.

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