Students Who Made History Recently By Cracking A 2,000-Year-Old Maths Problem Trigger $1 Million Donation To School

by Gee NY

The remarkable achievement of Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson, two students from St. Mary’s Academy in New Orleans, has garnered widespread attention and support, including a generous donation of $1 million from NBA legend Charles Barkley.

Johnson and Jackson made history by cracking a 2,000-year-old mathematical problem, finding a new approach to solving the Pythagorean Theorem using trigonometry without circular logic.

Their breakthrough, which they explained to WWL-TV 4 reporter Sam Winstrom, has captivated the mathematical community and sparked admiration worldwide.

The duo’s journey began when they participated in a contest at their high school, where they were challenged to create a new proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.

Despite the modest $500 prize, their determination and ingenuity led them to develop a groundbreaking solution, distinguishing themselves as the only students to crack the problem.

Principal Pamela Rogers expressed pride in her students’ achievement, emphasizing the culture of excellence and empowerment fostered at St. Mary’s Academy.

The school’s commitment to academic excellence and community service has cultivated a supportive environment where students thrive and reach their full potential.

Their accomplishment has not gone unnoticed, with their story gaining national attention, including a feature on “60 Minutes.” NBA icon Charles Barkley was inspired by their achievement and announced his intention to donate $1 million to St. Mary’s Academy.

Barkley commended the young women for their outstanding achievement and praised the school’s dedication to excellence.

In addition to supporting St. Mary’s Academy, Barkley plans to allocate funds to his alma mater, Auburn University, with a focus on advancing women’s athletics.

The generosity of Barkley’s donation reflects the impact of Johnson and Jackson’s achievement, inspiring others to invest in education and empowerment.

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