FedEx Driver Speaks Out About Being Told There Are Certain Towns She Can’t Deliver To in 2024: ‘Sundown Towns Are Still Very Much Alive’

by Gee NY

A Black FedEx driver, who shares her experiences on the job via TikTok (@thatfedexdrivertrina), has shed light on the challenges of delivering to certain parts of the U.S. due to her skin color.

In a viral video, she disclosed that her supervisors are aware and have instructed her to avoid delivering to predominantly White communities.

“I’ve been with FedEx for six years now, and it’s shocking to me that in 2024, I’m still being told there are areas where I can’t deliver. When I ask why, they apologize for people’s attitudes but insist I can’t go there,” she explained.

She also recounted instances where residents in these restricted areas responded rudely when she attempted deliveries.

Reposting the driver’s experiences on their Instagram page, entertainment news bloggers @welcometotheculture condemned the persistence of racism in 2024.

“It’s both saddening and disturbing that this level of racism persists today. For those unfamiliar with Sundown Towns, we urge you to look up their history. This is why we continue to highlight Black history and issues, despite calls to stop being ‘divisive’. This reality cannot be ignored,” @welcometotheculture captioned the videos of the FedEx worker’s ordeal on Instagram.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Sundown towns were historically places in the U.S. that excluded nonwhite people, particularly African Americans, from remaining in town after sunset.

Commenting on @welcometotheculture’s Instagram post, many expressed surprise at the FedEx driver’s revelation, while others acknowledged awareness of these towns.

“If that’s the case, FedEx or any major delivery service shouldn’t serve those entire towns at all… Address for delivery: ‘Sorry, undeliverable,'” one commenter suggested.

Another commenter pointed out similar restrictions faced by White individuals in certain U.S. cities:

“In cities like Chicago, Atlanta, there are places where White people aren’t welcome either. Welcome to America 😂😂😂😂.”

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