Tina Knowles Worries Over Beyoncé’s Role In Educating Black Folks: ‘It’s A Lot Of Hate’

by Grace Somes
Tina Knowles and Beyoncé || Image credit: @mstinaknowles

According to Tina Knowles, Beyoncé’s dedication to educating her fan base through her music can occasionally terrify her. 

Celestine Ann “Tina” Beyoncé Knowles-Lawson is unhappy that her daughter Beyonce has always been criticized for trying to enlighten her fans while entertaining them. 

During her appearance on the Naked Beauty podcast, Knowles talked about the legendary Coachella 2018 performance, which she subsequently captured on camera for the movie Homecoming.

“What I’m so proud of is that Beyonce constantly does, whether it was ‘Black Is King,’ showing African culture in such a beautiful, regal, royal way. And she gets a lot of hate for it. All the time!” Ms Tina began. 

The founder of Deréon was thinking back on her famous daughter Beyoncé’s historic Coachella performance when she described how fear gripped her because she didn’t think the audience would understand the performance or message

“You know, she’s always pushing the envelope and making conversation happen. And I remember her telling me at Coachella, ‘I want to.’ Because I was like, ‘Ooo, I don’t think those people got it tonight. I was in the front, like, ‘When you start doing all that fraternity stuff? They were looking so confused…they’re not getting it, and you’re not connecting. I’m really worried’…”


She then remembered Beyonce stating, ‘Mom, some people will get it today, some people will get it next week, and some people will get it next year, but I want them to go research…understand it, and create conversation. I feel like I was put on this earth to do that, not just to be an entertainer but to kind of ring the bell and get people educated. And so this is yet another one.”


Knowles acknowledged that Beyoncé receives criticism for trying to have more in-depth societal conversations, even though she has always been publicly supportive of her daughter’s career decisions. This worries her as a parent. 

“And as a mother, I’m always scared because I’m like, why do you have to be the one. Let somebody else do it this time,” Ms Tina continued. “She feels like it’s her job to educate, and she sneaks that little stuff in there to make you think and do research.” 

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