Period Poop: Is It Normal To Visit The Toilet So Much On Your Period?

by Grace Somes
The mysery about period poop|| Image credit: Shape

The answer is yes. Many women may experience loose stool or a mild form of diarrhea during their monthlies. And prostaglandins are the guilty culprits. 

Prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance, facilitate contractions in the uterus needed to expel the uterine lining during menstruation. This natural substance helps push a baby through the birth canal during labor.

Unfortunately, it has a teeny-tiny but to it. High levels of Prostaglandis can affect the muscles in the intestine, leading to increased bowel contractions – Dirroehoea. 

I have never experienced loose stools during menstruation, is something wrong with me?

No. Period poops are not a sign of a healthy menstrual cycle. 

People experience different period symptoms because our bodies respond to hormonal changes differently. 

 Several factors, including genetics, lifestyle, health, and underlying medical conditions can influence an individual’s body menstruation symptoms and flow.

How can I minimize the effects of high prostaglandins during my period?

Low levels of prostaglandins during your period can help reduce the severity of period symptoms. 

 Here are three top strategies to help reduce the impact of high prostaglandins in the body:

Avoid Eating Trigger Foods

Certain foods and beverages have inflammatory properties that can cause a spike in the release of prostaglandins and worsen digestive issues, directly impacting bowel function. 

These ‘inflammatory foods’ include refined sugar, dairy products, spicy foods, and some common cooking oils. Reducing your intake or eliminating these foods from your diet during your period might help.

Stress and anxiety 

High stress levels impact hormonal pathways in the body, affecting the hormones, which can lead to changes in gut motility, potentially causing diarrhea or loose stools during the menstrual cycle. 

Regular exercise and a healthy diet help regulate hormone levels and reduce the severity of gestational cramps. Try stress-reduction techniques like yoga, deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation

Prescription Medications

Some people take pain medication or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen to manage period pain. 

In some severe cases, a healthcare provider may prescribe stronger pain medications or other treatments like acupuncture or acupressure treatments to manage menstrual symptoms. 

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