Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Blasted by Trump Supporters During Bronx Rally: ‘Done Nothing’ to Help

by Xara Aziz
Left: YouTube via MSNBC, Right: Pool Photo, Timothy A. Clary

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faced criticism from New Yorkers at former President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx after she described the event as a “trick” that would attract many “out-of-towners.”

But according to a Fox News report, some attendees were locals there to support Trump, and said nothing has changed since winning the congressional seat of New York’s 14th district.

“You need to tell her that she needs to stay out of the Bronx because look at all the people around. Everybody’s here for Trump,” said one man who was not identified.

Another woman said the congresswoman has “done nothing” to help the community, while another woman pleaded with AOC to visit the community and see the issues affecting locals there.

“Let her come to the Bronx, and let her come among us people that struggle. She doesn’t even know what struggle is,” she said.

The Bronx, one of the smallest boroughs in New York, voted over 80% for President Biden in the 2020 presidential election, but some reports say a shift is happening as some residents express a desire for change after four years of his presidency. Former President Trump’s rally on Thursday night attracted a larger-than-expected crowd of over 25,000 people, with Trump referring to the event as a “love fest” in his speech.

Some attendees waited in the rain for hours to see the former president speech, with some chanting “We love you” upon his arrival.

One man, speaking to the publication said Trump was “for the people.”

Another said “everything was under control” until Biden took office in 2021.

“We had low inflation, we had gas under a buck-eighty,” he continued. 

Bronx residents consistently expressed concerns about financial struggles, “extreme” prices, crime, immigration, and housing. Many agreed that President Biden has not addressed the critical issues affecting New York City and its minority communities.

“He’s done nothing but say ‘you ain’t Black,’” one woman said. “I guess I’ll say ‘I ain’t Black’ because I’m not voting for him.”

“I’m absolutely Black, and I support Trump,” another said.

“Biden is not getting the job done for the Bronx,” Trump said. “The minute crooked Joe Biden shuffles out the door, I will rapidly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden commented on a video posted by Trump that included images of a fake newspaper article referencing a “unified Reich” if Trump is reelected in 2024. The video has since been removed from Trump’s Truth Social account.

“That’s Hitler language,” Biden said.

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