Kamala Harris Announces Record-Level HBCU Funding Of $16 Billion Under Current Administration

by Gee NY
President Joe Biden listens as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday, May 1, 2023, about National Small Business Week. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The Biden-Harris Administration has announced a substantial increase in federal investments and support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), totaling over $16 billion.

This significant funding surpasses the initial $7 billion allocation reported by HBCUBuzz.

The new investment encompasses $11.4 billion from fiscal years 2021 to 2023, comprising federal grants, contracting awards, and debt relief.

Vice President Harris, a proud graduate of Howard University, acknowledged the pivotal role of HBCUs in academic excellence and community empowerment.

“We know that when we invest in the success of our HBCUs, we are investing in the strength of our Nation – today and for generations to come,” Harris said in an official statement, highlighting the administration’s commitment to bolstering HBCUs.

A portion of the funding, amounting to over $4 billion, will be directed towards supporting education benefits for veterans and providing federal financial aid to HBCU students through Pell Grants and work-study programs.

These initiatives aim to enhance opportunities for HBCU students and extend the administration’s support throughout the year.

The announcement comes as the Biden-Harris ticket gears up for reelection, aiming to engage and mobilize diverse voters.

Acknowledging the importance of the Black and young voter demographic, both Biden and Harris have intensified their efforts to address concerns and prioritize initiatives that resonate with these communities.

Vice President Harris, in particular, has been instrumental in championing HBCUs and engaging with minority-serving institutions through initiatives like the Fight For Our Freedoms tour.

Last year, Harris delivered congratulatory messages to HBCU graduates, further solidifying her commitment to their success.

As the election season progresses, the Biden-Harris Administration’s dedication to HBCUs shows their ongoing efforts to support and uplift the Black community, reinforcing their platform for reelection.

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