Kamala Harris Gains Strong Support Among Hispanic Voters as 2024 Race Heats Up

by Gee NY

Vice President Kamala Harris is making significant strides among Hispanic voters, with recent polling showing her lead over former President Donald Trump has more than tripled in just one month.

According to a new survey from The Economist and YouGov, Harris now holds a 20-point advantage (54 percent to 34 percent) among registered Hispanic voters as the 2024 presidential race intensifies.

The poll, conducted from August 17 to 20, surveyed 1,368 registered U.S. voters. It reveals a notable shift in Harris’ favor compared to earlier data.

At the start of August, Harris was leading Trump among Hispanic voters by just 15 points (51 percent to 36 percent). By last week, her lead had increased to 49 percent to 34 percent, indicating growing momentum for the vice president as she seeks to solidify a key Democratic voter base.

Harris’ rise among Hispanic voters represents a critical win for the Democratic Party, which has seen fluctuating support from this demographic in recent elections. Hispanic voters, a diverse and influential group, have been increasingly courted by Republicans, but Harris’ candidacy appears to be resonating strongly.

Her gains come after President Joe Biden faced challenges with Hispanic voters earlier this year. In a June poll from The New York Times and Siena College, Biden held only a 1-point lead over Trump among Hispanic voters (45 percent to 44 percent). Now, Harris leads Trump by a commanding 19 points (57 percent to 38 percent) in the same demographic.

The vice president’s growing popularity among Hispanic voters extends beyond national polling. A recent survey by Equis showed Harris outperforming Trump by 19 points (56 percent to 37 percent) in battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. These states are expected to play pivotal roles in the upcoming election, making support from Hispanic and Latino voters crucial.

In addition to her success with Hispanic voters, Harris is also regaining ground among Black voters. After a dip in support for Biden earlier this year, Harris now enjoys backing from 82 percent of Black voters nationwide, according to an ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll.

This is a significant improvement from Biden’s support, which stood at 77 percent among Black voters in a previous poll.

As Harris’ 2024 campaign gains traction, her strong appeal to key Democratic voter groups, including Hispanic and Black voters, will be vital in shaping the race.

Her recent polling success highlights her growing influence and underscores her ability to rally support in crucial demographics.

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