Meghan Markle Plans PR Blitz To Improve Her Image After Criticism Over ARO Brand

by Gee NY

Meghan Markle’s venture into the world of entrepreneurship with her lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard, ARO, has hit a rough patch, with reports suggesting the Duchess of Sussex is reeling from the negative reception.

The Duchess launched her brand earlier this year with a limited collection of jams, but according to sources, the criticism has left her in tears.

Amidst these challenges, she’s reportedly planning a strategic PR campaign, dubbed the “Summer of Love,” to salvage the brand’s image before its official launch.

Royal expert Tom Quinn revealed to The Mirror that Meghan was deeply affected by the backlash against her brand. He noted that the criticism of her jams, in particular, took a toll on her, leaving her feeling unfairly targeted.

Quinn also talked about Meghan’s sensitivity to criticism, especially regarding her lifestyle in the US, which she perceives as admirable rather than deserving of scrutiny.

The Duchess’s plans for ARO include a range of products from nut butter to kitchen utensils, but details about the brand and its launch remain sparse, leading to waning interest and added pressure on Meghan to improve her public image.

To counteract the negative perception, Meghan is reportedly gearing up for a PR blitz, intending to connect with audiences through appearances on popular chat shows and podcasts, as well as interviews with select journalists.

Additionally, Meghan and Prince Harry are in negotiations to renew their contract with Netflix, though expectations are tempered compared to their initial $100 million deal. Netflix executives are exploring potential partnerships with ARO to create new revenue streams.

Despite recent polls ranking Meghan and Harry as the most disliked celebrities, PR experts suggest Meghan is more focused on growing her popularity in the US, where she now resides with her family.

While challenges persist, Meghan remains determined to make ARO a success and reshape her public image, prioritizing her American audience and the success of her brand.

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