Puerto Rico’s New Law Against Hair Discrimination Celebrates Natural Beauty

by Gee NY

Puerto Rico’s governor has made waves by signing a groundbreaking law that bans discrimination against natural hairstyles such as Afros, curls, locs, twists, and braids.

This move has been celebrated by many as a major step forward for the racially diverse U.S. territory.

“This is a victory for generations to come,” said Welmo Romero Joseph from the nonprofit Taller Salud, a key advocate for the new law. Romero said that the legislation sends a powerful message: “You can reach positions of power without having to change your identity.”

Puerto Rico’s laws and constitution, along with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, already prohibit discrimination, but this new law addresses a gap highlighted by a 2016 U.S. Court of Appeals decision.

That ruling allowed an employer’s no-dreadlock policy, pointing to the need for more explicit protections.

Earlier this year, Puerto Rican legislators held a public hearing where citizens shared personal stories of hair discrimination, including job offers that were conditional on changing their natural hairstyles.

Romero, recalling his own high school experience, shared how he was ordered to cut his flat top despite being a top student.

“It was a source of pride,” he said. “I was a 4.0 student. What did that have to do with my hair?”

With a population of 3.2 million, Puerto Rico boasts over 1.6 million people who identify as being of two or more races, and nearly 230,000 identifying solely as Black, according to the U.S. Census.

The new law acknowledges the ongoing discrimination faced by Black and Afro-descendant individuals in Puerto Rico, highlighting their continued marginalization.

Romero praised the new law but stressed the importance of ensuring it is enforced.

This progressive move in Puerto Rico mirrors efforts in the U.S., where at least two dozen states have passed versions of the CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair.”

This act aims to eliminate race-based hair discrimination.

In Texas, for example, a Black high school student was suspended because his dreadlocks violated the school dress code, highlighting the ongoing relevance of such legislation.

A federal version of the CROWN Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives in 2022 but stalled in the Senate. In May, Democratic lawmakers reintroduced the legislation.

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