The Seated Nurse: Wheelchair-Using Nurse Is Breaking Barriers And Inspiring Others In Healthcare

by Gee NY
Image Credit: @theseatednurse

Andrea Dalzell, affectionately known as The Seated Nurse, is rewriting history as the first-ever wheelchair-using nurse in New York State.

Despite facing physical challenges since childhood due to transverse myelitis, she refused to let her disability define her.

Growing up in New York City, Andrea battled pain, muscle weakness, and paralysis, ultimately leading to her reliance on a wheelchair by the age of 12.

Undeterred by these obstacles, she pursued her dream of becoming a nurse, earning her degree from the City University of New York, College of Staten Island.

However, her journey to become a registered nurse was not without hurdles.

Andrea encountered resistance from hospitals skeptical of her ability to perform nursing duties from a wheelchair.

Undeterred, she persisted through 76 interviews until she secured her groundbreaking role.

Throughout her career, Andrea has served on the frontlines, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, where she bravely cared for patients in New York City.

Beyond her nursing duties, she advocates passionately for disability rights, earning accolades such as being crowned Ms. Wheelchair New York in 2015.

Named New Mobility’s Person of the Year in 2021 and the recipient of the Craig H. Neilsen Visionary Prize, Andrea’s story has captivated audiences and inspired countless individuals with disabilities.

Her platform, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Access,” empowers others to lead fulfilling lives irrespective of physical challenges.

As she continues to make strides in healthcare, Andrea remains committed to supporting and uplifting others with disabilities.

Through her advocacy and determination, she is not just breaking barriers but also paving the way for a more inclusive future in healthcare.

For more updates and inspiration, follow Andrea on Instagram @TheSeatedNurse.

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