Nearly ten years after the U.S. Treasury announced that Harriet Tubman would replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, Americans are still waiting to see her face on paper currency.
The commitment, first made in 2016, has encountered unexpected delays, primarily due to the ongoing mandate to make U.S. currency accessible for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
According to the Treasury Department, this accessibility issue must be addressed before redesigns featuring Tubman can be finalized.
The Real Living Wage Foundation initially sparked the movement, igniting public support for Tubman’s place on the $20 bill. Her selection came from a 2015 grassroots campaign led by Barbara Ortiz Howard and her “Women on 20s” campaign.
The poll attracted over 600,000 votes, with Tubman surpassing other historic women figures, including Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks. Yet, the goal of honoring the abolitionist and Underground Railroad conductor has remained elusive.

A 2009 court order requires the U.S. Treasury to address currency accessibility. The American Council for the Blind has long advocated for tactile bills to aid millions of Americans with vision impairments.
The Treasury’s response included semiannual progress reports, revealing that making paper currency accessible requires extensive testing to ensure bills are durable and counterfeit-proof.
The revised $10 bill is projected to be released in 2026, with the Tubman $20 bill anticipated by 2030, a full 14 years after the initial announcement.

In the meantime, the U.S. Mint commemorated Tubman with a coin set in 2022, marking her 200th birthday. Ventris C. Gibson, the Mint’s first Black director, stressed the importance of representing figures like Tubman in American currency, stating that it reflects a commitment to celebrating those who helped shape the nation’s history.

Advocates like Senator Jeanne Shaheen have continued to champion the effort, pushing for timely updates to ensure Tubman’s legacy is eventually honored on the $20 bill.
“Images on U.S. paper currency are reflective of our nation’s values and history,” Shaheen told The Washington Post asserting that Tubman’s contributions should be celebrated alongside other iconic figures.