Potential Trump VP Candidate Snaps at CNN’s Abby Phillips: ‘This is Why the Ratings on CNN are so Low”

by Xara Aziz
Twitter @abbydphillip ·

A heated clash took place between CNN’s Abby Phillip and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott over differing views on whether former president Donald Trump would be able to come back after being found guilty in the hush money trial.

Trump was found guilty and convicted on all 34 felony counts brought against him on Thursday. Since then journalists, political pundits and analysts have all weighed in about the future of Trump since the ruling.

In this case, Phillip began by asking Scott how the verdict may determine Trump’s proceedings moving forward, specifically considering he is still in the race to win the presidency later this year.

Phillips detailed a statement Trump made last year after pleading not guilty to the charges. At the time he assured supporters at a New Jersey rally that he would “appoint a real prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of America, Joe Biden, and go after the Biden crime family.”

Trump and his legal team have repeatedly accused Biden of arranging for the trial to take place, even though the trial was held on the state level and not federal. Furthermore, reports say investigations into Trump’s financial records started before Biden won the 2020 election.

“When former President Trump says that if he is elected president, he would appoint a special prosecutor to ‘go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,’ are you saying that that is not something that you would support?” Phillip asked Scott.

“I’m simply saying that President Trump has said it himself: the best revenge is success,” Scott replied.

“Actually, Senator, I have to correct you on that…” Phillip interjected before Scott interrupted her to say: “You can’t correct me on this, Abby.”

An argument would then ensue between the two. Scott then said:  “I was actually in his presence when he said it himself.”

Phillip retorted: “Senator, he said it publicly.”

He then tried to shame the network by saying: “Abby, I know you are — this is why the ratings on CNN are so low.”

“The bottom line is simply this,” he added. “President Trump has looked me in my eyes in a room full of other folks, and said, ‘you know what? the best revenge is success. Let’s not make this about just Donald Trump. Let’s make this about every single American.”

Phillip responded, “Senator, he may have said that to you in a private room, but he has said it to thousands of his supporters, that he plans to go after his political enemies. I don’t understand how you can deny that he has said that publicly, it’s in the public record.”

Scott then questioned the host stating that he would “not take my own word for what I heard with my own ears,” adding that he “answered the question,” but Phillip “didn’t like” his answer.

Watch the full exchange below:

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