Raquel Graham Inspires With Her Entrepreneurial Journey: From NEKZ to Oprah’s Favorite Things

by Gee NY
Raquel Graham. Image Credit: @raquelsgraham

Raquel Graham, the founder and CEO of Roq Innovation, has achieved a remarkable milestone as her innovative products have earned a coveted spot on Oprah’s Favorite Things list.

This recognition is not just a testament to her creativity but also marks the culmination of a journey filled with determination, challenges, and unwavering commitment.

Graham’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited during a harsh Chicago winter when she struggled to keep her children warm with conventional scarves. Faced with the lack of suitable solutions in the market, she embarked on a mission to create her own.

Thus, NEKZ was born, a scarf designed for functionality and style, tailored to the needs of her children.


However, Graham’s path to success was far from easy!

As a Black female entrepreneur, she encountered financial constraints and skepticism but persevered with the support of her loved ones. It wasn’t until a friend’s encouragement that she fully committed to her business, realizing she had been standing in her own way.

Despite the challenges, Graham’s resilience paid off when she appeared on “Shark Tank” and secured deals with prominent investors.

This exposure catapulted her brand to new heights, leading to features on major platforms like HSN, Forbes, and Good Morning America.

Through her journey, Graham emphasizes the importance of preparation and mentorship. Partnering with organizations like the Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council provided her with invaluable support and opportunities to expand her business.

As the accolades for Roq Innovation continue to pour in, Graham remains dedicated to her mission of offering functional yet fashionable wearable tech products. Her success serves as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, reminding them to believe in themselves, take action, and seek support from their communities.

As we celebrate Graham’s achievements, let us also recognize the significance of supporting Black-owned businesses beyond the holiday season.

With products designed to enhance daily life, Roq Innovation offers a unique blend of innovation and style that resonates with consumers year-round.

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