AOC Raises $1 Million in Texas Relief as Cruz Shamefully Returns from Cancun Vacay

by Yah Yah

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her team raised $1 million in donations for five Texan non-profits as millions across the state suffered power outages and extreme cold temperatures, leading to frozen pipes bursting and residents going without water.

Her efforts are in stark contrast to Senator Ted Cruz, who fled the state to Cancun, leaving his constituents to fend for themselves.

“Totally blown away. $1m raised in direct relief for Texans in less than a day,” AOC tweeted. “As a thank you to everyone who contributed & amplified, I’ll be going to Texas this weekend to visit w/ [Rep. Garcia] in Houston & highlight what’s happening on the ground.”

Releasing a statement on Thursday, the Republican senator blamed his children for the trip — saying that he took the flight to “be a good dad” and planned to fly back to Texas in the afternoon.

“My staff and I are in constant communication with state and local leaders to get to the bottom of what happened in Texas. We want our power back, our water on, and our homes warm,” Cruz tweeted. “My team and I will continue using all our resources to keep Texans informed and safe.”

Text messages from Mrs. Cruz to her loved ones were obtained by The New York Times, revealing that they booked the trip because their home was “FREEZING.”

He has since returned to the U.S.

“It was obviously a mistake,” he told reporters outside his Texas home as protests with placards barked at him to resign. “In hindsight, I wouldn’t have done it.”

The Republican has repeatedly attacked the progressive Democratic collective, The Squad — of which Ocasio-Cortez is a member… but his actions this week prove that when it’s all said and done, this New York squad member was willing to put the work in for his constituents while he was busy working on his tan.

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