Friend to Yourself: 7 Soulful Mantras for Deepening Self-Compassion

by Lauren 'LC'
Plus size woman is posing on a neutral background, flexing her bicep and showing her strength and confidence

Hey, Beautiful Souls! We’re often so hard on ourselves, forgetting the kindness and compassion we offer to others. Self-compassion is essential for our well-being and allows us to show up as our best selves. This week, let’s explore seven soulful mantras to cultivate self-compassion and treat yourself like the friend you deserve.  

Cultivating Kindness

  1. “I acknowledge my struggles with kindness, offering myself understanding and support.” 

Life can be tough, but self-compassion means treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding we offer to our friends. This self-acceptance allows you to embrace your calling by showing up for yourself during challenging times so you can keep moving forward on your journey.  

  1. “I forgive myself for past mistakes, learning and releasing negativity.” 

Holding onto guilt and shame can be a burden. Forgiving ourselves allows us to learn from our experiences and move forward with a lighter heart. This self-forgiveness allows you to embrace your calling by letting go of the past and focusing on creating a brighter future.  

Nurturing Self-Love

  1. “I celebrate my efforts, big and small, honoring my progress on the journey.” 

Focusing on our wins, no matter how small, reinforces our sense of self-worth. Celebrating our achievements motivates us to keep striving and fuels our journey of self-love. This self-celebration allows you to embrace your calling by recognizing your progress and building the confidence to pursue your purpose.

  1. “I practice self-care, nourishing my mind, body, and spirit for optimal well-being.” 

Taking care of ourselves is an act of self-love. When we prioritize self-care, we nourish our minds, bodies, and spirits, creating a foundation for healthy self-esteem. This self-care allows you to embrace your calling by showing yourself the love and respect you deserve, which fuels your journey to achieving your goals.  

Embracing Self-Worth

  1. “I challenge negative self-talk with kindness, replacing criticism with encouraging words.” 

Our inner critic can be harsh. Challenging negative self-talk with kindness and replacing it with encouraging words fosters a positive self-image. This inner kindness allows you to embrace your calling by believing in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.

  1. “I compare myself to myself, focusing on my personal growth and journey.” 

Social comparison can be harmful. Focusing on our personal growth and celebrating our unique journey fosters self-love and acceptance. This self-awareness allows you to embrace your calling by staying focused on your path and celebrating your wins.

  1. “I extend compassion to others, fostering a kinder and more understanding world.” 

Self-compassion starts with ourselves, but it ripples outward. When we treat ourselves with kindness, it becomes easier to extend that compassion to others, creating a more positive and understanding world. This outward compassion allows you to embrace your calling by inspiring kindness and empathy in those around you.

Remember, beautiful souls, you are worthy of love and compassion exactly as you are. These mantras can serve as gentle reminders to be kind to yourself throughout your journey. Join the Hervival community to connect with like-minded individuals who are also on their journeys of self-discovery and self-compassion!

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