Hospital Slapped With $41 Million Lawsuit By Family Of Woman Who Died After Emergency C-Section

by Gee NY

A member of the NYC Health + Hospitals system, Woodhull Hospital, has been slapped with a $41 million lawsuit in the aftermath of the tragic death of Christine Fields, following an emergency Cesarean section.

Christine Fields, a 30-year-old mother of three, was admitted to the Brooklyn hospital on Nov. 12, seeking the support of her doula, who was unavailable at the time.

Despite providing a comprehensive birth plan, the family alleges that the hospital ignored both the original plan and their pleas on the young mother’s behalf.

The situation took a devastating turn when, after a period of waiting, Fields went into crisis, prompting doctors to perform an emergency C-section against her wishes.

Following the surgery, Fields experienced post-surgical trauma, and despite her attempts to communicate concerns to medical professionals, her alleged pleas were reportedly ignored.

Fields suffered a heart attack the day after the surgery, succumbing to the stress induced by the cardiac arrest. Her fiancé, Jose Perez, and her mother, Denene Witherspoon, discovered her lifeless in the room, having stepped out momentarily.

Attorney Ira Newman, representing the family, stated:

“She’s rushed in for a C-section, and we are investigating and have learned from the [medical examiner’s] office that there was pooling blood.”

Denene Witherspoon, Field’s mother, has enlisted the assistance of attorney Sanford Rubenstein’s office to file a medical malpractice suit, emphasizing the family’s profound loss and the irrevocable change it has brought.

In a statement, Witherspoon expressed her grief:

“I don’t have that in my life anymore. Now, I have to help raise three kids that don’t have a mother. I miss my daughter so much, and I need to know what happened to my daughter.”

Woodhull Hospital responded to Fields’ case, expressing condolences and affirming their commitment to patient safety.

However, this is not the first such incident at the hospital. In 2020, Sha-Asia Washington’s death, also involving an emergency C-section, drew attention and scrutiny.

While the hospital released a statement to the press, Witherspoon revealed that the family has received no communication or outreach from the hospital.

“We have not heard anything from the hospital, not an apology, not a sorry, not anything. No phone calls, nothing,” she stated.

Christine Fields leaves behind three children, including her newborn son, who are now under the care of Jose Perez.

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