In the heart of Highland Park, Michigan, Shamayim “Mama Shu” Harris has forged a beacon of hope from the depths of tragedy.
Following the loss of her son, Jacoby, Mama Shu embarked on a mission to honor his memory and uplift her community, birthing The Avalon Village from the ashes of grief.
A year after Jacoby’s passing, Mama Shu laid the foundation for what would become Avalon Village, a transformative initiative that breathes life into vacant, blighted land.
With unwavering determination, she turned adversity into opportunity, transforming neglected spaces into vital community resources.
The village, which now stands as a testament to resilience and collective empowerment, features a park, garden, basketball court, and tutoring center, offering sanctuary and enrichment to residents of all ages.
However, Mama Shu’s journey has been marked by further tragedy, as her son Chinyelu Humphrey was tragically taken from her in Jan. 2021.
Yet, in the face of unimaginable loss, Mama Shu’s spirit remains unbroken!
Rather than succumbing to despair, she has redoubled her efforts to spread beauty and positivity throughout Highland Park, embodying the mantra:
“I’m almost afraid to stop. I have to keep going.”
Today, Avalon Street, once a symbol of neglect, teems with life and promise. The Homework House provides a safe haven for children to study, while the refurbished basketball court echoes with the laughter of youth. In the garden, community members cultivate both plants and hope, fostering a sense of belonging and renewal.
As Mama Shu continues to nurture Avalon Village and inspire those around her, her legacy of resilience and community empowerment shines as a beacon of light in the darkness.
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