Meet Dr. Thessalonika Arzu-Embry: High School Graduate at 11, Doctorate Holder at 17, and Trailblazing Entrepreneur!

by Gee NY

Dr. Thessalonika “Tessa” Arzu-Embry, with her sky-high IQ of 199 and an astonishing academic journey, is redefining what it means to be a prodigy.

Graduating high school at just 11 years old, Tessa earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology at 14, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at 16, and recently completed her Ph.D. in aviation psychology at just 17.

Not only has she shattered academic barriers, but she’s also a licensed pilot, a published author of five books, and the founder of a university for military personnel.

Growing up in a military family with a strong foundation in discipline, Thessalonika credits her success to her upbringing, where learning was part of everyday life.

Her father, an Air Force veteran, played a crucial role in sparking her interest in aviation, while her mother homeschooled her, making education a priority no matter where the family lived.

Tessa’s Ph.D. in aviation psychology focuses on reducing “human factor errors” in aviation by using psychology to assess pilot stress and performance, potentially preventing life-threatening mistakes in the air.

Her accomplishments don’t stop there—she has founded Thessalonika A. Embry University (TAEU), an institution designed to serve U.S. Army soldiers and DoD personnel, making her one of the youngest university founders in U.S. history.

Tessa’s drive to help others succeed is evident in her book Jump the Education Barrier, which offers advice on expediting college education, a topic she knows well. She is also the creator of the JUMP program, which helps students accelerate their learning and enter the workforce sooner.

Despite her busy schedule, Tessa remains humble and emphasizes that genius is about making wise choices and staying grounded.

Her work, whether through her books or her speaking engagements, inspires others to pursue their goals with dedication.

For Thessalonika, the sky truly is the limit.

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