Rep. Cori Bush: ‘White Supremacists Wanted Me Dead Before I Came to Congress’

by Shine My Crown Staff

Missouri Democrat Rep. Cori Bush took to Twitter to reveal that she had received a torrent of racial abuse and death threats before she was elected as Missouri’s first Black congresswoman last year.

“White supremacists wanted me dead before I came to Congress. And white supremacist threats on my life have only intensified as a Black woman speaking truth in the halls of power. Just know: They won’t stop us. They can’t,” Bush tweeted.

Bush shared a few of the unpleasant messages.

“You guys are Traitors and should be dealt with the punishment of being a Traitor. Hung of shot by a firing squad,” one message reads.

“Tone it down b–tch,” it reads. “You’re going to get yourself murdered if you keeping running off that big old gorilla mouth. You need to be put into a f–cking cage at the zoo,” reads another.

While the messages are disheartening, it’s not surprising. The far-right is not best known for their ability to temper their emotions.

Bush beat out ten-term Representative William Lacy Clay Jr. in the Democratic primary. The Ferguson activist was very clear about her mission in office.

“I am coming from a place of understanding what it is like to be a regular person in our community. I am a registered nurse. Before I was a registered nurse I was a working in childcare making in minimum wage, trying to raise two children. I have lived unhoused, lived pay check to paycheck, with no health insurance. I live in a place where I hear gunshots throughout the night and the day…. being in this position what it means to me finally a regular person in our community have voice, not that I know it all but I will be listening to it all,” said Congresswoman Bush per

Bush is also a member of the Democratic, progressive group, “The Squad.”

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