Teen Authors Launch Children’s Book Inspired By Civil Rights Leaders

by Gee NY
Teenagers Autumn Kendall, 14, and Aurora Morgan, 15, gear up for their book signing event debuting a children’s book that sheds light on historical events, Image Credit: Black News

East Harlem is buzzing with excitement as teenagers Autumn Kendall, 14, and Aurora Morgan, 15, gear up for the release of their debut children’s book, “The Three Heroes.”

Scheduled for June 4, 2024, at 6 pm, their book signing event promises to celebrate literary accomplishment and social justice advocacy.

Developed as part of the 3E Program for Social Justice and Change, “The Three Heroes” is a captivating tale featuring characters inspired by civil rights icons Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Chairman Fred Hampton.

In a creative twist, the narrative introduces a villain resembling J. Edgar Hoover, the architect behind the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations aimed at undermining civil rights activists.

While the characters are fictional, the book serves as a conduit to shed light on historical events and the enduring impact of COINTELPRO.

Autumn and Aurora, both students of the 3E Program, embarked on this literary journey as part of their program culmination ceremony, selecting a topic that resonated deeply with them.

Under the guidance of program creators Melody Michaux and Brandi Webb, the girls successfully navigated the publishing process, crafting a story designed for children ages 3 to 11.

“The Three Heroes” employs accessible language to make complex subject matter understandable for young readers, replacing terms like “gunshots” with “shooting laser beams” to ensure age-appropriate content.

The upcoming book signing event promises an immersive experience for attendees, featuring live readings of selected excerpts, insightful discussions with the young authors, and opportunities to purchase signed copies of “The Three Heroes.”

For those unable to attend in person, the book will also be available for purchase on Amazon.

The 3E Program for Social Justice and Change, the brainchild of Melody Michaux and Brandi Webb, is an innovative online U.S. History course designed to provide inclusive education on African American history.

Utilizing Google Classroom, the program seamlessly integrates into school curricula and offers a self-paced at-home option for young scholars.

Promoting critical thinking, ethics, empathy, and empowerment, the curriculum encourages students to explore the history and current state of African American communities in the U.S.

In addition to classroom instruction, the 3E Program offers enriching cultural and historical experiences, including visits to landmarks such as the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, and Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Students also benefit from engaging with guest speakers, including activists, historians, and witnesses to impactful events.

The program’s curriculum draws inspiration from Brandi Webb’s documentary “Betrayal of a Nation,” which delves into the oppressive forces facing Black and Brown communities through a trial format.

For more information about the book signing event and the 3E Program, interested individuals can visit the program’s website at 3EProgram.com.

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