Kamala Harris Drops F-Bomb During Summit Commemorating Asian Americans

by Xara Aziz
Twitter @tommy1997__

Vice President Kamala Harris dropped the F-bomb on Monday while stressing the significance of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders breaking through societal barriers.

Participating in a discussion moderated by actor-comedian Jimmy O. Yang, Harris was asked about the impact of being the first vice president of Asian descent and how her heritage shapes her perspectives and leadership role. Born to an Indian mother and Jamaican father, Harris has shattered numerous barriers, being the first Indian-American vice president, first female vice president, and previously, the first Indian-American U.S. senator.

In her response, Harris urged young people not to let others confine their dreams based on narrow perspectives, echoing advice from her own mother.

“We have to know that sometimes, people will open the door for you and leave it open, sometimes they won’t. And then you need to kick that f***ing door down,” Harris said to cheers and applause from the audience. She laughed, adding, “Excuse my language.”

“We gotta make T-shirts!” Yang joked.

Profanity in politics isn’t entirely uncommon. When then-Vice President Joe Biden, now President, famously described newly passed health care legislation as a “big f***ing deal,” leading to Democratic Party merchandise featuring the phrase. At a recent rally, then-presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s supporters chanted “bulls” regarding his criminal trial in New York City.

Harris made these remarks during a conversation at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership Summit, which was live-streamed on the White House website. This event is part of a series commemorating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, with Harris and President Biden hosting a reception later to honor their contributions to the nation.

Both Biden and Harris have been quite busy over the past several months as they gear up for the 2024 presidential elections this November.

We’ll be covering Vice President Harris’ campaign trail leading up to the election. Keep up-to-date here with all the election coverage.

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