10-Year-Old Girl Nabbed Major Role At The Metropolitan Opera House: ‘I Don’t Understand How’

by Gee NY

Gabby Tennor, a talented 10-year-old from Maryland, recently captivated audiences at the iconic Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.

In a remarkable feat, Gabby portrayed the role of Jesus in the production of El Niño, a musical rendition of the Nativity story, as reported by Fox 5.

According to NBC Washington, Gabby’s passion for singing and performing has been a lifelong pursuit. When the opportunity to audition for El Niño arose, she seized the chance without hesitation.

“I don’t understand how, but yeah, I’m playing Jesus,” Gabby expressed with humility and excitement.

Despite the grandeur of opening night, which drew thousands of spectators, Gabby remained poised and comfortable on the prestigious stage.

“I normally am really nervous for things, especially when it’s a lot of people, and there were 30,000 people at my first opening night, and I wasn’t nervous for some reason,” she shared with the outlet. “So, I just knew that that was for me.”

While Gabby basks in the spotlight, her mother, Barbara, is deeply moved by her daughter’s achievement.

“You look around you, and you have a vision of how your life is going to be somehow, and we never thought opera. We are not actors, we are not actresses. We don’t have that background, and to get to that level, I looked around and said ‘Wow, God is really good,'” Barbara expressed to Fox 5.

Enduring a five-hour commute from Maryland to New York City twice a week, Gabby and Barbara demonstrate unwavering dedication to Gabby’s passion and talent.

“I am so glad I can do something that is based on my faith because I’m Christian,” Gabby revealed to Fox 5. “Let God take you wherever you want to be. It’s not just about yourself, let others help.”

Despite facing challenges and rejection along the way, Gabby’s determination remains unshaken.

“And I’ve had Gabby cry even through her auditions because you have to memorize lines, 5 pages within 24 hours, but the determination is there. Wherever you want to be, you can be,” Barbara affirmed. “But believe that you have to work hard for it because life never comes easy. It’s never simple.”

Gabby’s talents extend beyond the stage, with aspirations to become a pediatrician in the future. A multi-talented individual, Gabby excels in academics, music, and sports, maintaining straight-A grades while playing piano, drums, and soccer.

As El Niño concluded its month-long run on Friday, May 14, 2024, Gabby’s remarkable performance serves as a testament to her bright future and unwavering determination.

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