Here’s Jenee Naylor’s Story From Target Employee To Fashion Designer: ‘I’m Still Processing It All!’

by Gee NY
Jenee Naylor's collection displayed at Target. PAUL MORIGI/GETTY

In an inspiring turn of events, Jenee Naylor, the content creator behind High Low Luxxe, has launched her first fashion collection as part of Target’s Future Collective line.

On Sunday, May 19, at the Alexandria, Virginia Target location, Naylor witnessed her designs in-store for the first time—a moment that was particularly meaningful given her history with the retail giant.

Naylor’s journey to this point has been remarkable.

She spent 11 years working at Target, starting as an Executive Team Lead and rising to the position of Store Director before deciding to pursue her passion for fashion full-time.

Reflecting on her journey, Naylor shared with People:

“This experience means everything. Partnering with a brand that I have such deep ties to is really something special and I’m still processing it all!”

Fashion has always been close to Naylor’s heart.

Long before her days at Target, she would sketch designs in school and eventually earned a degree in fashion merchandising. Her passion reignited while working at Target, where she began sharing her outfits on social media, gradually building a loyal online community.

Balancing her demanding Target role with her burgeoning fashion content was no easy feat. Naylor would create batch content during her days off to keep her social media channels active.

Her consistency paid off, leading to a full-fledged blog and a YouTube channel during the pandemic.

“I’m so grateful to say my community has been steadily growing ever since,” she said.

Naylor’s connection with her followers deepened when she attended her first DC bloggers event in 2019, meeting fans and fellow content creators face-to-face. She cherishes these interactions, saying:

“Meeting and interacting with my audience face-to-face is one of my favorite parts about this ‘job.'”

Her time at Target was instrumental in shaping her as a leader and project manager.

“I learned the importance of creating and implementing routines, which has been a useful tool throughout my entrepreneurial journey,” Naylor noted.

She also praised her family for their unwavering support, especially her husband, who left his corporate job to join her full-time as a creative partner and videographer, and her mom, who has been her “biggest rock and inspiration.”

Naylor takes immense pride in the detail, design, and quality of each piece in her collection, which, although inspired by resort wear, boasts versatility.

She hopes her journey inspires others to pursue their dreams. Her advice to those juggling a full-time job and a creative venture is clear:

“Strategy and consistency is the ultimate formula. Maintain both as long as you can without compromising performance. If you need to choose, have a realistic plan in place. Don’t ever stop chasing your dreams until they come to fruition!”

Jenee Naylor has achieved this feat stage due to her dedication, hard work, and the courage to pursue one’s passions.

Her success should serve as an inspiration to many, proving that dreams can indeed come true with the right mix of strategy and perseverance.

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