After a 20-year struggle with the government, including an arrest and multiple legal battles, Isis Brantley eventually won her fight to deregulate the hair braiding industry in Texas.
In June 2015, Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law House Bill 2717, which exempts hair braiders from having to acquire a cosmetology license to operate within the state.
The victory is a significant win for Brantley and other women in the African-American community, who have been either forced to spend thousands of dollars to gain skills and acquire resources that they won’t use or risk being arrested.
While barbers and cosmetologists use a wide range of tools and chemical products, hair braiders rely primarily on their hands. Brantley and her lawyers sought to strike down the restrictions for hair braiders, resulting in the landmark legal victory.
In a post on Instagram, the activist made the following observation about her victory:
“House Bill 2717 changed the law, freeing braiders in Texas from having any cosmetology oversight//licensing!!!!! So if you are a braider in Texas, I hope you will take my story to heart. And, I also hope you will VOTE for me in the FABOVER40 contest…It only takes a minute and voting is free, but I do need your support and ask you show me some love, ok. Thank you kindly.”
Isis Brantley needs your vote to win “Fab Over 40”. Voting ends next week.
“Fab Over 40” is a competition inviting women aged 40 and over from all over the world to compete for a feature in NewBeauty Magazine, $40,000, and a spa-cation for two in Scottsdale, Arizona.
To vote for Isis Brantley to be elected “Fab Over 40”, go here to vote for free (1 vote) or pay a small fee for multiple votes.

Brantley says if she wins the $40,000, she would use it to grow her business, NaturallyIsis LLC, and to offer scholarships to my natural hair school, the Institute of Ancestral Braiding.
Isis Brantley has said her favorite tip to stay fabulous is people must strive to walk on the bright side of life!
“Regardless of the challenges that arise in your life, look into your divine essence for strength and keep a happy mind. Above all else, believe in yourself, your destiny, and your divine purpose. Move away from negativity toward the light. Work hard toward your destiny,’ she said on her “Fab Over 40” voting page.
Isis Brantley wants young women to love themselves, affirm their positive aspirations daily, walk in beauty, and every day seek to be the best version of themselves.
Read more about Brantley’s life journey here.